NLO corrections to ultra-high energy neutrino-nucleon scattering, shadowing and small x

Abstract in English

We reconsider the Standard Model interactions of ultra-high energy neutrinos with matter. The next to leading order QCD corrections are presented for charged-current and neutral-current processes. Contrary to popular expectations, these corrections are found to be quite substantial, especially for very large (anti-) neutrino energies. Hence, they need to be taken into account in any search for new physics effects in high-energy neutrino interactions. In our extrapolation of the parton densities to kinematical regions as yet unexplored directly in terrestrial accelerators, we are guided by double asymptotic scaling in the large Q^2 and small Bjorken x region and to models of saturation in the low Q^2 and low x regime. The sizes of the consequent uncertainties are commented upon. We also briefly discuss some variables which are insensitive to higher order QCD corrections and are hence suitable in any search for new physics.
