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QCD-corrected spin analysing power of jets in decays of polarized top quarks

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 Added by Arnd Brandenburg
 Publication date 2002
and research's language is English

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We present results for the differential distributions of jets from non-leptonic decays of polarized top quarks within the Standard Model, including QCD radiative corrections. Our work extends existing results which are only available for semileptonic top quark decays at the parton level. For $t(uparrow)$ -> b-jet + 2 light jets we compute in particular the QCD-corrected top-spin analysing power of the b-quark jet and the least energetic light jet. The dependence of the results on the choice of the jet recombination scheme is found to be small. In addition we compute the spin analysing power of the thrust axis. Our results constitute a so far missing ingredient to analyse top quark production and subsequent non-leptonic decay at next-to-leading order in alpha_s, keeping the full information on the top quark polarization.

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We perform perturbative QCD factorization of infrared radiations associated with an energetic $b$ quark from a polarized top quark decay, taking the semi-leptonic channel as an example. The resultant formula is expressed as a convolution of an infrared-finite heavy-quark kernel with a $b$-quark jet function. Evaluating the heavy-quark kernel up to leading order in the coupling constant and adopting the jet function from QCD resummation, we predict the dependence of the spin analyzing power for a polarized top quark on the invariant mass of the $b$-quark jet. It is observed that the spin analyzing power could be enhanced by a factor 2 compared to the inclusive case with the jet mass being integrated over. It is worthwhile to test experimentally the enhancement of the spin analyzing power due to the inclusion of jet dynamics.
216 - Yoshio Kitadono 2014
We study jet substructures of a boosted polarized top quark, which undergoes the semileptonic decay $tto bell u$, in the perturbative QCD framework. The jet mass distribution (energy profile) is factorized into the convolution of a hard top-quark decay kernel with the bottom-quark jet function (jet energy function). Computing the hard kernel to leading order in QCD and inputting the latter functions from the resummation formalism, we observe that the jet mass distribution is not sensitive to the helicity of the top quark, but the energy profile is: energy is accumulated faster within a left-handed top jet than within a right-handed one, a feature related to the $V-A$ structure of weak interaction. It is pointed out that the energy profile is a simple and useful jet observable for helicity discrimination of a boosted top quark, which helps identification of physics beyond the Standard Model at the Large Hadron Collider. The extension of our analysis to other jet substructures, including those associated with a hadronically decaying polarized top quark, is proposed.
The analytic expressions for the production cross sections of polarized bottom and top quarks in $e^+e^-$ annihilation are explicitly derived at the one-loop order of strong interactions. Chirality-violating mass effects will reduce the longitudinal spin polarization for the light quark pairs by an amount of $3%$, when one properly considers the massless limit for the final quarks. Numerical estimates of longitudinal spin polarization effects in the processes $e^+e^-to bbar{b}(g)$ and $e^+e^- to tbar{t}(g)$ are presented.
Anomalous b --> s transitions from LHCb data may suggest a new massive gauge boson Z that couples to the left-handed b --> s current, which in turn implies a coupling to the t --> c current. In this paper, we study flavor-changing neutral current (FCNC) decays of the top quark induced by a Z boson, namely t --> c Z, based on a model of the gauged L_mu - L_tau symmetry (the difference between the muon and tauon numbers) with vector-like quarks, which was introduced to explain the anomalous LHCb data. We illustrate that searching for t --> c Z via Z --> mu^+ mu^- with LHC Run 1 data can already probe a parameter region which is unexplored by B physics for the Z mass around O(10) GeV or more. We further extend the model to very light Z with mass below 400 MeV, which is motivated by the muon g-2 anomaly. Taking rare B and K meson decay data into account, we give upper limits on the t --> c Z branching ratio for the light Z case, and discuss about its observability at the LHC. We also scrutinize the possibility that the decay K_L --> pi^0 Z with Z --> nu nubar may lead to apparent violation of the usual Grossman-Nir bound of B(K_L --> pi^0 nu nubar) < 1.4 x 10^-9.
485 - A.Bartl 2010
We study pair production of scalar top quarks in polarized photon-photon collisions with the subsequent decay of the top squarks into b-quarks and charginos. We simulate this process by using PYTHIA6.4 for an electron beam energy 2E_beam =1000 GeV. A set of criteria for physical variables is proposed which leads to a good separation of stop signal events from top quark pair production being the main background. These criteria allow us to reconstruct the mass of the top squark provided that the neutralino mass is known.
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