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The Effect of Dynamical Gauge Field on the Chiral Fermion on a boundary

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 Added by Masaki Oshikawa
 Publication date 1994
and research's language is English

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We study the effect of dynamical gauge field on the Kaplans chiral fermion on a boundary in the strong gauge coupling limit in the extra dimension. To all orders of the hopping parameter expansion, we prove exact parity invariance of the fermion propagator on the boundary. This means that the chiral property of the boundary fermion, which seems to survive even in the presence of the gauge field from a perturbative point of view, is completely destroyed by the dynamics of the gauge field.

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77 - Werner Kerler 2002
We only require generalized chiral symmetry and $gamma_5$-hermiticity, which leads to a large class of Dirac operators describing massless fermions on the lattice, and use this framework to give an overview of developments in this field. Spectral representations turn out to be a powerful tool for obtaining detailed properties of the operators and a general construction of them. A basic unitary operator is seen to play a central r^ole in this context. We discuss a number of special cases of the operators and elaborate on various aspects of index relations. We also show that our weaker conditions lead still properly to Weyl fermions and to chiral gauge theories.
141 - Werner Kerler 2003
We still extend the large class of Dirac operators decribing massless fermions on the lattice found recently, only requiring that such operators decompose into Weyl operators. After deriving general relations and constructions of operators, we study the basis representations of the chiral projections. We then investigate correlation functions of Weyl fermions for any value of the index, stressing the related conditions for basis transformations and their consequences, and getting the precise behaviors under gauge transformations and CP transformations. Various further developments include considerations of the explicit form of the effective action and of a representation of the general correlation functions in terms of alternating multilinear forms. For comparison we also consider gauge-field variations and their respective applications. Finally we compare with continuum perturbation theory.
371 - N. Mathur , A. Alexandru , Y. Chen 2010
We report meson spectra obtained by using valence overlap fermion propagators generated on a background of 2+1 flavor domain wall fermion gauge configurations on 16^3 X 32, 24^3 X 64 and 32^3 X 64 lattices. We use many-to-all correlators with Z3 grid source and low eigenmode substitution which is efficient in reducing errors for the hadron correlators. The preliminary results on meson spectrum, a0 correlators, and charmonium hyperfine splitting for three sea quark masses are reported here.
We perform lattice studies of the gauge theory with Sp(4) gauge group and two flavours of (Dirac) fundamental matter. The global SU(4) symmetry is spontaneously broken by the fermion condensate. The dynamical Wilson fermions in the lattice action introduce a mass that breaks the global symmetry also explicitly. The resulting pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons describe the SU(4)/Sp(4) coset, and are relevant, in the context of physics beyond the Standard Model, for composite Higgs models. We discuss scale setting, continuum extrapolation and finite volume effects in the lattice theory. We study mesonic composite states, which span representations of the unbroken Sp(4) global symmetry, and we measure masses and decay constants of the (flavoured) spin-0 and spin-1 states accessible to the numerical treatment, as a function of the fermion mass. With help from the effective field theory treatment of such mesons, we perform a first extrapolation towards the massless limit. We assess our results by critically comparing to the literature on other models and to the quenched results, and we conclude by outlining future avenues for further exploration. The results of our spectroscopic analysis provide new input data for future phenomenological studies in the contexts of composite Higgs models, and of dark matter models with a strongly coupled dynamical origin.
The phase structure of hot gauge theories with dynamical matter fields is reexamined in the canonical ensemble with respect to triality. Since this ensemble implies a projection to the zero triality sector of the theory we introduce a proper quantity which is able to reveal a critical behaviour of the theory with fundamental quarks. We discuss the properties of both the chromoelectric and chromomagnetic sectors of the theory and show while electric charges carrying a unit of Z(N) charge are screened at high temperatures by dynamical matter loops, this is not the case for the Z(N) magnetic flux. An order parameter is constructed to probe the realization of local discrete Z(N) symmetry in the magnetic sector. We argue it can be used to detect a deconfinement phase being defined in terms of the screening mechanism as a phase of unscreened Z(N) flux. It may be detectable at long range via the Aharonov-Bohm effect. We discuss the possible phase structure of QCD in this approach.
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