It is argued that the phase diagram of the 3D Compact U(1) Lattice Higgs Model is more refined than generally thought. The confined and Higgs phases are separated by a well-defined phase boundary, marked by proliferating vortices. It is shown that the confinement mechanism at work is precisely the dual superconductor scenario.
We describe how the strings, which are classical solutions of the continuum three-dimensional U(1)+Higgs theory, can be studied on the lattice. The effect of an external magnetic field is also discussed and the first results on the string free energy are presented. It is shown that the string free energy can be used as an order parameter when the scalar self-coupling is large and the transition is continuous.
We study analytically and numerically the three-dimensional U(1) lattice gauge theory at finite temperature in the dual formulation. For an appropriate disorder operator, we obtain the renormalization group equations describing the critical behavior of the model in the vicinity of the deconfinement phase transition. These equations are used to check the validity of the Svetitsky-Yaffe conjecture regarding the critical behavior of the lattice U(1) model. Furthermore, we perform numerical simulations of the model for $N_t = 1, 2, 4, 8$ and compute, by a cluster algorithm, the dual correlation functions and the corresponding second moment correlation length. In this way we locate the position of the critical point and calculate critical indices.
The three-dimensional lattice Higgs model with compact U(1) gauge symmetry and unit charge is investigated by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The full model with fluctuating Higgs amplitude is simulated, and both energy as well as topological observables are measured. The data show a Higgs and a confined phase separated by a well-defined phase boundary, which is argued to be caused by proliferating vortices. For fixed gauge coupling, the phase boundary consists of a line of first-order phase transitions at small Higgs self-coupling, ending at a critical point. The phase boundary then continues as a Kertesz line across which thermodynamic quantities are nonsingular. Symmetry arguments are given to support these findings.
The compact Abelian Higgs model is simulated on a cubic lattice where it possesses vortex lines and pointlike magnetic monopoles as topological defects. The focus of this high-precision Monte Carlo study is on the vortex network, which is investigated by means of percolation observables. In the region of the phase diagram where the Higgs and confinement phases are separated by a first-order transition, it is shown that the vortices percolate right at the phase boundary, and that the first-order nature of the transition is reflected by the network. In the crossover region, where the phase boundary ceases to be first order, the vortices are shown to still percolate. In contrast to other observables, the percolation observables show finite-size scaling. The exponents characterizing the critical behavior of the vortices in this region are shown to fall in the random percolation universality class.
We simulate the 2d U(1) gauge Higgs model on the lattice with a topological angle $theta$. The corresponding complex action problem is overcome by using a dual representation based on the Villain action appropriately endowed with a $theta$-term. The Villain action is interpreted as a non-compact gauge theory whose center symmetry is gauged and has the advantage that the topological term is correctly quantized so that $2pi$ periodicity in $theta$ is intact. Because of this the $theta = pi$ theory has an exact $Z_2$ charge-conjugation symmetry $C$, which is spontaneously broken when the mass-squared of the scalars is large and positive. Lowering the mass squared the symmetry becomes restored in a second order phase transition. Simulating the system at $theta = pi$ in its dual form we determine the corresponding critical endpoint as a function of the mass parameter. Using a finite size scaling analysis we determine the critical exponents and show that the transition is in the 2d Ising universality class, as expected.