We present a calculation of the kaon form factors in two-flavor QCD with the non-perturbatively $O(a)$-improved Wilson quark action. In order to achieve a few percent accuracy in the study of SU(3) breaking effects, we use a set of double ratios of the matrix elements, with which the bulk of the statistical fluctuation and the multiplicative renormalization factors cancel.
We report on the status of our kaon semileptonic form factor calculations using the highly-improved staggered quark (HISQ) formulation to simulate the valence fermions. We present results for the form factor f_+^{K pi}(0) on the asqtad N_f=2+1 MILC configurations, discuss the chiral-continuum extrapolation, and give a preliminary estimate of the total error. We also present a more preliminary set of results for the same form factor but with the sea quarks also simulated with the HISQ action; these results include data at the physical light quark masses. The improvements that we expect to achieve with the use of the HISQ configurations and simulations at the physical quark masses are briefly discussed.
We report on our calculation of the kaon semileptonic form factors in Nf=2+1 lattice QCD. Chiral symmetry is exactly preserved by using the overlap quark action for a straightforward comparison with chiral perturbation theory (ChPT). We simulate three pion masses down to 290 MeV at a single lattice spacing of 0.11 fm and at a strange quark mass very close to its physical value. The form factors near zero momentum transfer are precisely calculated by using the all-to-all propagator and twisted boundary conditions. We compare the normalizations and slopes of the form factors with ChPT and experiments.
We present a calculation of pion electromagnetic and scalar form factors in two-flavor QCD with the non-perturbatively O(a)-improved Wilson fermion. Chiral extrapolation of the corresponding charge radius is discussed based on the chiral perturbation theory.
We calculate the kaon semileptonic form factors in lattice QCD with three flavors of dynamical overlap quarks. Gauge ensembles are generated at pion masses as low as 290 MeV and at a strange quark mass near its physical value. We precisely calculate relevant meson correlators using the all-to-all quark propagator. Twisted boundary conditions and the reweighting technique are employed to vary the momentum transfer and the strange quark mass. We discuss the chiral behavior of the form factors by comparing with chiral perturbation theory and experiments.
Lattice calculations of the form factors for the charm semileptonic decays D to K l nu and D to pi l nu provide inputs to direct determinations of the CKM matrix elements |V(cs)| and |V(cd)| and can be designed to validate calculations of the form factors for the bottom semileptonic decays B to pi l nu and B to K l l-bar. We are using Fermilab charm (bottom) quarks and asqtad staggered light quarks on the 2+1 flavor asqtad MILC ensembles to calculate the charm (bottom) form factors. We outline improvements to the previous calculation of the charm form factors and detail our progress. We expect our current round of data production to allow us to reduce the theoretical uncertainties in |V(cs)| and |V(cd)| from 10.5% and 11%, respectively, to about 7%.