We present a polynomial Hybrid Monte Carlo (PHMC) algorithm as an exact simulation algorithm with dynamical Kogut-Susskind fermions. The algorithm uses a Hermitian polynomial approximation for the fractional power of the KS fermion matrix. The systematic error from the polynomial approximation is removed by the Kennedy-Kuti noisy Metropolis test so that the algorithm becomes exact at a finite molecular dynamics step size. We performed numerical tests with $N_f$$=$2 case on several lattice sizes. We found that the PHMC algorithm works on a moderately large lattice of $16^4$ at $beta$$=$5.7, $m$$=$0.02 ($m_{mathrm{PS}}/m_{mathrm{V}}$$sim$0.69) with a reasonable computational time.
We present a polynomial hybrid Monte Carlo (PHMC) algorithm for lattice QCD with odd numbers of flavors of O(a)-improved Wilson quark action. The algorithm makes use of the non-Hermitian Chebyshev polynomial to approximate the inverse square root of the fermion matrix required for an odd number of flavors. The systematic error from the polynomial approximation is removed by a noisy Metropolis test for which a new method is developed. Investigating the property of our PHMC algorithm in the N_f=2 QCD case, we find that it is as efficient as the conventional HMC algorithm for a moderately large lattice size (16^3 times 48) with intermediate quark masses (m_{PS}/m_V ~ 0.7-0.8). We test our odd-flavor algorithm through extensive simulations of two-flavor QCD treated as an N_f = 1+1 system, and comparing the results with those of the established algorithms for N_f=2 QCD. These tests establish that our PHMC algorithm works on a moderately large lattice size with intermediate quark masses (16^3 times 48, m_{PS}/m_V ~ 0.7-0.8). Finally we experiment with the (2+1)-flavor QCD simulation on small lattices (4^3 times 8 and 8^3 times 16), and confirm the agreement of our results with those obtained with the R algorithm and extrapolated to a zero molecular dynamics step size.
We apply the UV-filtering preconditioner, previously used to improve the Multi-Boson algorithm, to the Polynomial Hybrid Monte Carlo (UV-PHMC) algorithm. The performance test for the algorithm is given for the plaquette gauge action and the $O(a)$-improved Wilson action at $beta=5.2, c_{mathrm{sw}}=2.02, M_{pi}/M_{rho}sim 0.8$ and 0.7 on a $16^3times 48$ lattice. We find that the UV-filtering reduces the magnitude of the molecular dynamics force from the pseudo fermion by a factor 3 by tuning the UV-filter parameter. Combining with the multi-time scale molecular dynamics integrator we achieve a factor 2 improvement.
UKQCDs dynamical fermion project uses the Generalised Hybrid Monte-Carlo (GHMC) algorithm to generate QCD gauge configurations for a non-perturbatively O(a) improved Wilson action with two degenerate sea-quark flavours. We describe our implementation of the algorithm on the Cray-T3E, concentrating on issues arising from code verification and performance optimisation, such as parameter tuning, reversibility, the effect of precision, the choice of matrix inverter and the behaviour of different molecular dynamics integration schemes.
We investigate reversibility violations in the Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm. Those violations are inevitable when computers with finite numerical precision are being used. In SU(2) gauge theory, we study the dependence of observables on the size of the reversibility violations. While we cannot find any statistically significant deviation in observables related to the simulated physical model, algorithmic specific observables signal an upper bound for reversibility violations below which simulations appear unproblematic. This empirically derived condition is independent of problem size and parameter values, at least in the range of parameters studied here.
Improved lattice actions for Kogut-Susskind quarks have been shown to improve rotational symmetry and flavor symmetry. In this work we find improved scaling behavior of the rho and nucleon masses expressed in units of a length scale obtained from the static quark potential, and better behavior of the Dirac operator in instanton backgrounds.