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Differential decay rate of $B to pi l u$ semileptonic decay with lattice NRQCD

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 Added by Tetsuya Onogi
 Publication date 2001
and research's language is English

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We present a lattice QCD calculation of $Bto pi l u$ semileptonic decay form factors in the small pion recoil momentum region. The calculation is performed on a quenched $16^3 times 48$ lattice at $beta=5.9$ with the NRQCD action including the full 1/M terms. The form factors $f_1(vcdot k_{pi})$ and $f_2(vcdot k_{pi})$ defined in the heavy quark effective theory for which the heavy quark scaling is manifest are adpoted, and we find that the 1/M correction to the scaling is small for the $B$ meson. The dependence of form factors on the light quark mass and on the recoil energy is found to be mild, and we use a global fit of the form factors at various quark masses and recoil energies to obtain model independent results for the physical differential decay rate. We find that the $B^*$ pole contribution dominates the form factor $f^+(q^2)$ for small pion recoil energy, and obtain the differential decay rate integrated over the kinematic region $q^2 >$ 18 GeV$^2$ to be $|V_{ub}|^2 times (1.18 pm 0.37 pm 0.08 pm 0.31)$ psec$^{-1}$, where the first error is statistical, the second is that from perturbative calculation, and the third is the systematic error from finite lattice spacing and the chiral extrapolation. We also discuss the systematic errors in the soft pion limit for $f^0(q^2_{max})$ in the present simulation.

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We present our study on $B to pi l u$ semileptonic decay form factors with NRQCD action for heavy quark from a quenched lattice QCD simulation at $beta$=5.9 on a $16^3times 48$ lattice. We obtain form factors defined in the context of heavy quark effective theory by Burdman et al. and find that their $1/m_B$ correction is small. The limit of physical heavy and light quark masses can be performed without introducing any model function, and we obtain a prediction for the differential decay rate $dGamma/dq^2$. We also discuss the soft pion limit of the form factors.
We discuss our ongoing effort to calculate form factors for several B and Bs semileptonic decays. We have recently completed the first unquenched calculation of the form factors for the rare decay B -> K ll. Extrapolated over the full kinematic range of q^2 via model-independent z expansion, these form factor results allow us to calculate several Standard Model observables. We compare with experiment (Belle, BABAR, CDF, and LHCb) where possible and make predictions elsewhere. We discuss preliminary results for Bs -> K l nu which, when combined with anticipated experimental results, will provide an alternative exclusive determination of |Vub|. We are exploring the possibility of using ratios of form factors for this decay with those for the unphysical decay Bs -> eta_s as a means of significantly reducing form factor errors. We are also studying B -> pi l nu, form factors for which are combined with experiment in the standard exclusive determination of |Vub|. Our simulations use NRQCD heavy and HISQ light valence quarks on the MILC 2+1 dynamical asqtad configurations.
We present a lattice NRQCD study of the B meson decay constant in the quenched approximation with emphasis given to the scaling behavior. The NRQCD action and the heavy-light axial current we use include all terms of order 1/M and the perturbative $O(alpha_s a)$ and $O(alpha_s/M)$ corrections. Using simulations at three value of couplings $beta$=5.7, 5.9 and 6.1 on lattices of size $12^3times 32, 16^3times 48$ and $24^3times 64$, we find no significant $a$ dependence in $f_B$ if the $O(alpha_s a)$ correction is included in the axial current. We obtain $f_B = 167(7)(15)$ MeV, $f_{B_s}= 191(4)(17)(^{+4}_{-0})$ MeV and $f_{B_s}/f_B =1.15(3)(1)(^{+3}_{-0})$, with the first error being statistical, the second systematic, and the third due to uncertainty of strange quark mass, while quenching errors being not included.
We calculate, in the continuum limit of quenched lattice QCD, the form factor that enters in the decay rate of the semileptonic decay B --> D l nu. Making use of the step scaling method (SSM), previously introduced to handle two scale problems in lattice QCD, and of flavour twisted boundary conditions we extract G(w) at finite momentum transfer and at the physical values of the heavy quark masses. Our results can be used in order to extract the CKM matrix element Vcb by the experimental decay rate without model dependent extrapolations.
67 - N. Ikeno , E. Oset 2015
We study the semileptonic decay of $Lambda_c$ to $ u l^+$ and $Lambda(1405)$, where the $Lambda(1405)$ is seen in the invariant mass distribution of $pi Sigma$. We perform the hadronization of the quarks produced in the reaction in order to have a meson baryon pair in the final state and then let these hadron pairs undergo final state interaction from where the $Lambda(1405)$ is dynamically generated. The reaction is particularly suited to study this resonance because we show that it filters I=0. It is also free of tree level $pi Sigma$ production, which leads to a clean signal of the resonance with no background. This same feature has as a consequence that one populates the state of the $Lambda(1405)$ with higher mass around 1420 MeV, predicted by the chiral unitary approach. We make absolute predictions for the invariant mass distributions and find them within measurable range in present facilities. The implementation of this reaction would allow us to gain insight into the existence of the predicted two $Lambda(1405)$ states and their nature as molecular states.
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