Measurements of the Dalitz Plot Parameters for $K^{pm}topi^{pm}pi^0pi^0$ Decays

Abstract in English

The $g$, $h$, and $k$ Dalitz plot parameters, which are coefficients in a series expansion of the squared module of the matrix element $|M(u,v)|^{2} propto 1 + gu + hu^{2} + kv^{2}$ ($u$, $v$ are invariant variables), have been measured for $K^{pm}to pi^{pm} pi^{0} pi^{0}$ decays using $35 GeV/c$ hadron beams at the IHEP (Protvino) accelerator. Dependences of parameters and fit quality on the $pi^0pi^0$ mass cut were investigated. The results point to the important role of $pi^+pi^- to pi^0pi^0$ charge exchange scattering near the $pi^0pi^0$ mass threshold. The comparison of our data with previous measurements is presented.
