Diffractive Production of Neutral Vector Mesons at THERA

Abstract in English

We consider the contribution to our understanding of vacuum-exchange processes to be made by investigations at the proposed electron-proton collider THERA. Recent results have highlighted the value of such studies for testing quantum chromodynamical descriptions of both long-range and short-range strong interactions. Stringent quantitative constraints have been provided by exploiting the opportunity to correlate scaling behaviour with helicity selection in exclusive and semi-exclusive vector-meson production. After reviewing the progress achieved by the measurement programs presently being carried out by the H1 and ZEUS collaborations at HERA, we discuss the performance criteria imposed by such investigations on the THERA accelerator complex and on the detector design. We conclude that the study of vector-meson production will form an essential component of the THERA physics program beginning with the early turn-on stage of the machine and continuing throughout the achievement of its full high-luminosity potential.
