Efficient optimal prefix coding has long been accomplished via the Huffman algorithm. However, there is still room for improvement and exploration regarding variants of the Huffman problem. Length-limited Huffman coding, useful for many practical applications, is one such variant, in which codes are restricted to the set of codes in which none of the $n$ codewords is longer than a given length, $l_{max}$. Binary length-limited coding can be done in $O(n l_{max})$ time and O(n) space via the widely used Package-Merge algorithm. In this paper the Package-Merge approach is generalized without increasing complexity in order to introduce a minimum codeword length, $l_{min}$, to allow for objective functions other than the minimization of expected codeword length, and to be applicable to both binary and nonbinary codes; nonbinary codes were previously addressed using a slower dynamic programming approach. These extensions have various applications -- including faster decompression -- and can be used to solve the problem of finding an optimal code with limited fringe, that is, finding the best code among codes with a maximum difference between the longest and shortest codewords. The previously proposed method for solving this problem was nonpolynomial time, whereas solving this using the novel algorithm requires only $O(n (l_{max}- l_{min})^2)$ time and O(n) space.