Magnetoplasmon excitations in arrays of circular and noncircular quantum dots

Abstract in English

We have investigated the magnetoplasmon excitations in arrays of circular and noncircular quantum dots within the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac-von Weizsacker approximation. Deviations from the ideal collective excitations of isolated parabolically confined electrons arise from local perturbations of the confining potential as well as interdot Coulomb interactions. The latter are unimportant unless the interdot separations are of the order of the size of the dots. Local perturbations such as radial anharmonicity and noncircular symmetry lead to clear signatures of the violation of the generalized Kohn theorem. In particular, the reduction of the local symmetry from SO(2) to $C_4$ results in a resonant coupling of different modes and an observable anticrossing behaviour in the power absorption spectrum. Our results are in good agreement with recent far-infrared (FIR) transmission experiments.
