Elementary Excitations of Heisenberg Ferrimagnetic Spin Chains

Abstract in English

We numerically investigate elementary excitations of the Heisenberg alternating-spin chains with two kinds of spins 1 and 1/2 antiferromagnetically coupled to each other. Employing a recently developed efficient Monte Carlo technique as well as an exact diagonalization method, we verify the spin-wave argument that the model exhibits two distinct excitations from the ground state which are gapless and gapped. The gapless branch shows a quadratic dispersion in the small-momentum region, which is of ferromagnetic type. With the intention of elucidating the physical mechanism of both excitations, we make a perturbation approach from the decoupled-dimer limit. The gapless branch is directly related to spin 1s, while the gapped branch originates from cooperation of the two kinds of spins.
