Control of magnetic anisotropy in (Ga,Mn)As by lithography-induced strain relaxation

Abstract in English

We obtain control of magnetic anisotropy in epitaxial (Ga,Mn)As by anisotropic strain relaxation in patterned structures. The strain in the structures is characterized using sophisticated X-ray techniques. The magnetic anisotropy before patterning of the layer, which shows biaxial easy axes along [100] and [010], is replaced by a hard axis in the direction of large elastic strain relaxation and a uniaxial easy axis in the direction where pseudomorphic conditions are retained. This strong anisotropy can not be explained by shape anisotropy and is attributed solely to lattice strain relaxation. Upon increasing the uniaxial strain anisotropy in the (Ga,Mn)As stripes, we also observe an increase in magnetic anisotropy.
