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Magnetic phase diagram of Ce2Fe17

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 Added by Yuri Janssen
 Publication date 2006
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Rare-earth-based permanent-magnet materials rich in iron have relatively low ferromagnetic ordering temperatures. This is believed to be due to the presence of antiferromagnetic exchange interactions, besides the ferromagnetic interactions responsible for the magnetic order. The magnetic properties of Ce2Fe17 are anomalous. Instead of ferromagnetic, it is antiferromagnetic, and instead of one ordering temperature, it shows two, at the Neel temperature TN ~ 208 K and at TT ~ 124 K. Ce2Fe17, doped by 0.5% Ta, also shows two ordering temperatures, one to an antiferromagnetic phase, at TN ~ 214 K, and one to a ferromagnetic phase, at T0 ~ 75 K. In order to clarify this behavior, single-crystalline samples were prepared by solution growth, and characterized by electron microscopy, single crystal x-ray diffraction, temperature-dependent specific heat, and magnetic field and temperature-dependent electrical resistivity and magnetization. From these measurements, magnetic H-T phase diagrams were determined for both Ta-doped Ce2Fe17 and undoped Ce2Fe17. These phase diagrams can be very well described in terms of a theory that gives magnetic phase diagrams of systems with competing antiferro- and ferromagnetism.

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High resolution ultrasonic velocity measurements have been used to determine the temperature -- magnetic-field phase diagram of the monoclinic multiferroic CuO. A new transition at TN3 = 230 K, corresponding to an intermediate state between the antiferromagnetic non-collinear spiral phase observed below TN2 = 229.3 K and the paramagnetic phase, is revealed. Anomalies associated with a first order transition to the commensurate collinear phase are also observed at TN1 = 213 K. For fields with B along the b axis, a spin-flop transition is detected between 11 T - 13 T at lower temperatures. Moreover, our analysis using a Landau-type free energy clearly reveals the necessity for an incommensurate collinear phase between the spiral and the paramagnetic phase. This model is also relevant to the phase diagrams of other monoclinic multiferroic systems.
Spin reorientation and magnetisation reversal are two important features of the rare-earth orthorhombic provskites ($RM$O$_{3}$s) that have attracted a lot of attention, though their exact microscopic origin has eluded researchers. Here, using density functional theory and classical atomistic spin dynamics we build a general Heisenberg magnetic model that allows to explore the whole phase diagram of the chromite and ferrite compounds and to scrutinize the microscopic mechanism responsible for spin reorientations and magnetisation reversals. We show that the occurrence of a magnetization reversal transition depends on the relative strength and sign of two interactions between rare-earth and transition-metal atoms: superexchange and Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya. We also conclude that the presence of a smooth spin reorientation transition between the so-called $Gamma_4$ and the $Gamma_2$ phases through a coexisting region, and the temperature range in which it occurs, depends on subtle balance of metal--metal (superexchange and Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya) and metal--rare-earth (Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya) couplings. In particular, we show that the intermediate coexistence region occurs because the spin sublattices rotate at different rates.
Three-dimensional (3D) antiferromagnets with random magnetic anisotropy (RMA) experimentally studied to date do not have random single-ion anisotropies, but rather have competing two-dimensional and three-dimensional exchange interactions which can obscure the authentic effects of RMA. The magnetic phase diagram Fe$_{x}$Ni$_{1-x}$F$_{2}$ epitaxial thin films with true random single-ion anisotropy was deduced from magnetometry and neutron scattering measurements and analyzed using mean field theory. Regions with uniaxial, oblique and easy plane anisotropies were identified. A RMA-induced glass region was discovered where a Griffiths-like breakdown of long-range spin order occurs.
125 - B. Y. Mueller , B. Rethfeld 2014
Exciting a ferromagnetic sample with an ultrashort laser pulse leads to a quenching of the magne- tization on a subpicosecond timescale. On the basis of the equilibration of intensive thermodynamic variables we establish a powerful model to describe the demagnetization dynamics. We demonstrate that the magnetization dynamics is mainly driven by the equilibration of chemical potentials. The minimum of magnetization is revealed as a transient electronic equilibrium state. Our method iden- tifies the slowing down of ultrafast magnetization dynamics by a critical region within a magnetic phase diagram.
We investigate numerically the transverse versus vortex phase diagram of head-to-head domain walls in Co/Cu/Py spin valve nano-stripes (Py: Permalloy), in which the Co layer is mostly single domain while the Py layer hosts the domain wall. The range of stability of the transverse wall is shifted towards larger thickness compared to single Py layers, due to a magnetostatic screening effect between the two layers. An approached analytical scaling law is derived, which reproduces faithfully the phase diagram.
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