Observation of 300 K High Energy MagnetoDielectric Response in the Bilayer Manganite (La$_{0.4}$Pr$_{0.6}$)$_{1.2}$Sr$_{1.8}$Mn$_2$O$_7$

Abstract in English

We observed a large HEMD effect in the bilayer manganite (La$_{0.4}$Pr$_{0.6}$)$_{1.2}$Sr$_{1.8}$Mn$_2$O$_7$, a direct consequence of field driven spin-glass insulator to ferromagnetic metal transition. The remnants of the transition can be used to achieve dielectric contrast at room temperature. This discovery suggests that electronic mechanisms such as the metal-insulator transition, charge ordering, and orbital ordering can be exploited to give substantial dielectric contrast in other materials.
