Tuning the Kondo effect with back and side gates - Application to carbon nanotube superconducting quantum interference devices and pi-junctions

Abstract in English

We recently presented the first superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) with single-walled carbon nanotube (CNT) Josephson junctions [1: J. P. Cleuziou, W. Wernsdorfer, V. Bouchiat, T. Ondarcuhu and M. Monthioux, Nature Nanotech. 1, 53, (2006).], http://www.nature.com/nnano/journal/v1/n1/pdf/nnano.2006.54.pdf . We showed that quantum confinement in each junction induces a discrete quantum dot (QD) energy level structure, which can be controlled with two lateral electrostatic gates. In addition, a backgate electrode can vary the transparency of the QD barriers, thus permitting to change the hybridization of the QD states with the superconducting contacts. This technique is further illustrated in this additional supporting material where we show that the Kondo coupling for a given resonance can be continuously tuned by varying the backgate voltage. It allowed us to show [1] that CNT Josephson junctions can be used as gate-controlled pi-junctions, that is, the sign of the current-phase relation across the CNT junctions can be tuned with a gate voltage.
