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Escape driven by $alpha$-stable white noises

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 Added by Bartlomiej Dybiec
 Publication date 2006
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We explore the archetype problem of an escape dynamics occurring in a symmetric double well potential when the Brownian particle is driven by {it white Levy noise} in a dynamical regime where inertial effects can safely be neglected. The behavior of escaping trajectories from one well to another is investigated by pointing to the special character that underpins the noise-induced discontinuity which is caused by the generalized Brownian paths that jump beyond the barrier location without actually hitting it. This fact implies that the boundary conditions for the mean first passage time (MFPT) are no longer determined by the well-known local boundary conditions that characterize the case with normal diffusion. By numerically implementing properly the set up boundary conditions, we investigate the survival probability and the average escape time as a function of the corresponding Levy white noise parameters. Depending on the value of the skewness $beta$ of the Levy noise, the escape can either become enhanced or suppressed: a negative asymmetry $beta$ causes typically a decrease for the escape rate while the rate itself depicts a non-monotonic behavior as a function of the stability index $alpha$ which characterizes the jump length distribution of Levy noise, with a marked discontinuity occurring at $alpha=1$. We find that the typical factor of ``two that characterizes for normal diffusion the ratio between the MFPT for well-bottom-to-well-bottom and well-bottom-to-barrier-top no longer holds true. For sufficiently high barriers the survival probabilities assume an exponential behavior. Distinct non-exponential deviations occur, however, for low barrier heights.

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We study the statistical properties of jump processes in a bounded domain that are driven by Poisson white noise. We derive the corresponding Kolmogorov-Feller equation and provide a general representation for its stationary solutions. Exact stationary solutions of this equation are found and analyzed in two particular cases. All our analytical findings are confirmed by numerical simulations.
The multi-dimensional non-linear Langevin equation with multiplicative Gaussian white noises in Itos sense is made covariant with respect to non-linear transform of variables. The formalism involves no metric or affine connection, works for systems with or without detailed balance, and is substantially simpler than previous theories. Its relation with deterministic theory is clarified. The unitary limit and Hermitian limit of the theory are examined. Some implications on the choices of stochastic calculus are also discussed.
We report the nonequilibrium dynamical phase transition (NDPT) appearing in a kinetic Ising spin system (ISS) subject to the joint application of a deterministic external field and the stochastic mutually correlated noises simultaneously. A time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau stochastic differential equation, including an oscillating modulation and the correlated multiplicative and additive white noises, was addressed and the numerical solution to the relevant Fokker-Planck equation was presented on the basis of an average-period approach of driven field. The correlated white noises and the deterministic modulation induce a kind of dynamic symmetry-breaking order, analogous to the stochastic resonance in trend, in the kinetic ISS, and the reentrant transition has been observed between the dynamic disorder and order phases when the intensities of multiplicative and additive noises were changing. The dependencies of a dynamic order parameter Q upon the intensities of additive noise A and multiplicative noise M, the correlation lmda between two noises, and the amplitude of applied external field h were investigated quantitatively and visualized vividly. A brief discussion was given to outline the underlying mechanism of the NDPT in a kinetic ISS driven by an external force and correlated noises. Keywords: Ising spin system, nonequilibrium dynamical phase transition, stochastic resonance, correlated noises, TDGL model. PACS: 75.10.Hk, 64.60.Ht, 05.10.Gg, 76.20.+q
380 - Oleg Kogan 2008
The rate of metastable decay in nonequilibrium systems is expected to display scaling behavior: i.e., the logarithm of the decay rate should scale as a power of the distance to a bifurcation point where the metastable state disappears. Recently such behavior was observed and some of the earlier predicted exponents were found in experiments on several types of systems described by a model of a modulated oscillator. Here we establish the range where different scaling behavior is displayed and show how the crossover between different types of scaling occurs. The analysis is done for a nonlinear oscillator with two coexisting stable states of forced vibrations. Our numerical calculations, based on the the instanton method allow the mapping of the entire parameter range of bi-stability. We find the regions where the scaling exponents are 1 or 3/2, depending on the damping. The exponent 3/2 is found to extend much further from the bifurcation then were it would be expected to hold as a result of an over-damped soft mode. We also uncover a new scaling behavior with exponent of $approx$ 1.3 which extends, numerically, beyond the close vicinity of the bifurcation point.
Properties of systems driven by white non-Gaussian noises can be very different from these systems driven by the white Gaussian noise. We investigate stationary probability densities for systems driven by $alpha$-stable Levy type noises, which provide natural extension to the Gaussian noise having however a new property mainly a possibility of being asymmetric. Stationary probability densities are examined for a particle moving in parabolic, quartic and in generic double well potential models subjected to the action of $alpha$-stable noises. Relevant solutions are constructed by methods of stochastic dynamics. In situations where analytical results are known they are compared with numerical results. Furthermore, the problem of estimation of the parameters of stationary densities is investigated.
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