Electron transport through antidot superlattices in $Si/SiGe$ heterostructures: new magnetoresistance resonances in lattices with large diameter antidots

Abstract in English

In the present work we have investigated the transport properties in a number of Si/SiGe samples with square antidot lattices of different periods. In samples with lattice periods equal to 700 nm and 850 nm we have observed the conventional low-field commensurability magnetoresistance peaks consistent with the previous observations in GaAs/AlGaAs and Si/SiGe samples with antidot lattices. In samples with a 600 nm lattice period a new series of well-developed magnetoresistance oscillations has been found beyond the last commensurability peak which are supposed to originate from periodic skipping orbits encircling an antidot with a particular number of bounds.
