Analysis of Strong-Coupling Parameters for Superfluid 3He

Abstract in English

Superfluid $^{3}$He experiments show strong deviation from the weak-coupling limit of the Ginzburg-Landau theory, and this discrepancy grows with increasing pressure. Strong-coupling contributions to the quasiparticle interactions are known to account for this effect and they are manifest in the five $beta$-coefficients of the fourth order Ginzburg-Landau free energy terms. The Ginzburg-Landau free energy also has a coefficient $g_{z}$ to include magnetic field coupling to the order parameter. From NMR susceptibility experiments, we find the deviation of $g_{z}$ from its weak-coupling value to be negligible at all pressures. New results for the pressure dependence of four different combinations of $beta$-coefficients, $beta$_{345}, $beta$_{12}, $beta$_{245}, and $beta$_{5} are calculated and comparison is made with theory.
