A Potts model for the distortion transition in LaMnO$_3$

Abstract in English

The Jahn-Teller distortive transition of lmo is described by a modified 3-state Potts model. The interactions between the three possible orbits depends both on the orbits and their relative orientation on the lattice. Values of the two exchange parameters which are chosen to give the correct low temperature phase and the correct value for the transition temperature are shown to be consistent with microscopy theory. The model predicts a first order transitions and also a value for the entropy above the transition in good agreement with experiment. The theory with the same parameters also predicts the temperature dependence of the order parameter of orbital ordering agreeing well with published experimental results. Finally, the type of the transition is shown to be close to one of the most disordered phases of the generalised Potts model. The short range order found experimentally above the transition is investigated by this model.
