Quantum transport in randomly diluted quantum percolation clusters in two dimensions

Abstract in English

We study the hopping transport of a quantum particle through finite, randomly diluted percolation clusters in two dimensions. We investigate how the transmission coefficient T behaves as a function of the energy E of the particle, the occupation concentration p of the disordered cluster, the size of the underlying lattice, and the type of connection chosen between the cluster and the input and output leads. We investigate both the point-to-point contacts and the busbar type of connection. For highly diluted clusters we find the behavior of the transmission to be independent of the type of connection. As the amount of dilution is decreased we find sharp variations in transmission. These variations are the remnants of the resonances at the ordered, zero-dilution, limit. For particles with energies within 0.25 <= E <= 1.75 (relative to the hopping integral) and with underlying square lattices of size 20x20, the configurations begin transmitting near p_a = 0.60 with T against p curves following a common pattern as the amount of dilution is decreased. Near p_b = 0.90 this pattern is broken and the transmission begins to vary with the energy. In the asymptotic limit of very large clusters we find the systems to be totally reflecting except when the amount of dilution is very low and when the particle has energy close to a resonance value at the ordered limit or when the particle has energy at the middle of the band.
