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We study a two-dimensional effective orbital superexchange model derived for strongly correlated e_g electrons coupled to t_{2g} core spins in layered manganites. One finds that the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic correlations closely compete, and small changes of parameters can switch the type of magnetic order. For the same reason, spin order is easily destroyed with rising temperature, while alternating orbital correlations can persist to temperatures where FM order has already melted. A scenario for the AF phase observed in LaSrMnO_4 is presented.
Spin-orbit coupling in magnetic systems lacking inversion symmetry can give rise to non trivial spin textures. Magnetic thin films and heterostructures are potential candidates for the formation of skyrmions and other non-collinear spin configurations as inversion symmetry is inherently lost at their surfaces and interfaces. However, manganites, in spite of their extraordinarily rich magnetic phase diagram, have not yet been considered of interest within this context as their spin-orbit coupling is assumed to be negligible. We demonstrate here, by means of angular dependent X-ray linear dichroism experiments and theoretical calculations, the existence of a noncollinear antiferromagnetic ordering at the surface of ferromagnetic La$_{2/3}$Sr$_{1/3}$MnO$_3$ thin films whose properties can only be explained by an unexpectedly large enhancement of the spin-orbit interaction. Our results reveal that spin-orbit coupling, usually assumed to be very small on manganites, can be significantly enhanced at surfaces and interfaces adding a new twist to the possible magnetic orders that can arise in electronically reconstructed systems.
We investigate the interplay between spin and orbital correlations in monolayer and bilayer manganites using an effective spin-orbital t-J model which treats explicitly the e_g orbital degrees of freedom coupled to classical t_{2g} spins. Using finite clusters with periodic boundary conditions, the orbital many-body problem is solved by exact diagonalization, either by optimizing spin configuration at zero temperature, or by using classical Monte-Carlo for the spin subsystem at finite temperature. In undoped two-dimensional clusters, a complementary behavior of orbital and spin correlations is found - the ferromagnetic spin order coexists with alternating orbital order, while the antiferromagnetic spin order, triggered by t_{2g} spin superexchange, coexists with ferro-orbital order. With finite crystal field term, we introduce a realistic model for La_{1-x}Sr_{1+x}MnO_4, describing a gradual change from predominantly out-of-plane 3z^2-r^2 to in-plane x^2-y^2 orbital occupation under increasing doping. The present electronic model is sufficient to explain the stability of the CE phase in monolayer manganites at doping x=0.5, and also yields the C-type antiferromagnetic phase found in Nd_{1-x}Sr_{1+x}MnO_4 at high doping. Also in bilayer manganites magnetic phases and the accompanying orbital order change with increasing doping. Here the model predicts C-AF and G-AF phases at high doping x>0.75, as found experimentally in La_{2-2x}Sr_{1+2x}Mn_2O_7.
We review our recent x-ray scattering studies of charge and orbital order in doped manganites, with specific emphasis on the role of orbital correlations in Pr_1-xCa_xMnO_3. For x=0.25, we find an orbital structure indistinguishable from the undoped structure with long range orbital order at low temperatures. For dopings 0.3<x<0.5, we find scattering consistent with a charge and orbitally ordered CE-type structure. While in each case the charge order peaks are resolution limited, the orbital order exhibits only short range correlations. We report the doping dependence of the correlation length and discuss the connection between the orbital correlations and the finite magnetic correlation length observed on the Mn^3+ sublattice with neutron scattering techniques. The physical origin of these domains, which appear to be isotropic, remains unclear. We find that weak orbital correlations persist well above the phase transitions, with a correlation length of 1-2 lattice constants at high temperatures. Significantly, we observe similar correlations at high temperatures in La_0.7Ca_0.3MnO_3, which does not have an orbitally ordered ground state, and we conclude that such correlations are robust to variations in the relative strength of the electron-phonon coupling.
The multiorbital Hubbard model in the strong coupling limit is analyzed for the effectively antiferromagnetic Hunds coupling relevant to fulleride superconductors with three orbitals per molecule. The localized spin-orbital model describes the thermodynamics of the half-filled (three-electron) state with total spin-1/2, composed of singlon and doublon placed on the two of three orbitals. The model is solved using the mean-field approximation and magnetic and electric ordered states are clarified through the temperature dependences of the order parameters. Combining the model with the band structure from {it ab initio} calculation, we also semi-quantitavely analyze the realistic model and the corresponding physical quantities. In the A15-structure fulleride model, there is an antiferromagnetic ordered state, and subsequently the two orbital ordered state appears at lower temperatures. It is argued that the origin of these orbital orders is related to the $T_h$ point group symmetry. As for the fcc-fulleride model, the time-reversal broken orbital ordered state is identified. Whereas the spin degeneracy remains in our treatment for the geometrically frustrated lattice, it is expected to be lifted by some magnetic ordering or quantum fluctuations, but not by the spin-orbital coupling which is effectively zero for fullerides in the strong-coupling regime.
We performed high pressure experiments on La(0.8)Ca(0.2-x)Sr(x)MnO(3) (LCSMO) (0<x< 0.2) ceramic samples in order to analyze the validity of the well known relation between the A mean ionic radius (<rA>) and the Curie temperature Tc of hole-doped manganites at a fixed doping level and for doping values below the 0.3 (Mn+4/Mn+3) ratio. By considering our results and collecting others from the literature, we were able to propose a phenomenological law that considers the systematic dependence of Tc with structural and electronic parameters. This law predicts fairly well the pressure sensitivity of Tc, its dependence with the A-cation radius disorder and its evolution in the high pressure range. Considering a Double Exchange model, modified by polaronic effects, the phenomenological law obtained for Tc can be associated with the product of two terms: the polaronic modified bandwidth and an effective hole doping.