Landau Level Splitting in Graphene in High Magnetic Fields

Abstract in English

The quantum Hall (QH) effect in two-dimensional (2D) electrons and holes in high quality graphene samples is studied in strong magnetic fields up to 45 T. QH plateaus at filling factors $ u=0,pm 1,pm 4$ are discovered at magnetic fields $B>$20 T, indicating the lifting of the four-fold degeneracy of the previously observed QH states at $ u=pm(|n|+1/2)$, where $n$ is the Landau level index. In particular, the presence of the $ u=0, pm 1$ QH plateaus indicates that the Landau level at the charge neutral Dirac point splits into four sublevels, lifting sublattice and spin degeneracy. The QH effect at $ u=pm 4$ is investigated in tilted magnetic field and can be attributed to lifting of the spin-degeneracy of the $n=1$ Landau level.
