Field-driven solid-on-solid interfaces moving under a stochastic Arrhenius dynamic: effects of the barrier height

Abstract in English

We present analytical results and kinetic Monte Carlo simulations for the mobility and microscopic structure of solid-on-solid (SOS) interfaces driven far from equilibrium by an external force, such as an applied field or (electro)chemical potential difference. The interfaces evolve under a specific stochastic dynamic with a local energy barrier (an Arrhenius dynamic), known as the transition dynamics approximation (TDA). We calculate the average height of steps on the interface, the average interface velocity, and the skewness of the interface as functions of the driving force and the height of the energy barrier. We find that the microscopic interface structure depends quite strongly on the barrier height. As the barrier becomes higher, the local interface width decreases and the skewness increases, suggesting increasing short-range correlations between the step heights.
