Magnetoresistance in granular CrO2 : influence of crystallographic and magnetic microstructure

Abstract in English

We report magnetotransport measurements on high purity sintered samples of spintronic CrO2 in an unexplored crystallographic regime between 5-300 K. The negative magnetoresistance (MR) as derived from RH isotherms is observed to be unhysteretic up to temperatures as high as 200 K. Between 240-290 K, RH isotherms exhibit some unusual features including a positive MR and strong pinning effects. These feature disappear above 290 K and is apparently related with the antiferromagnetic ordering of the insulating grain boundary. Qualitatively similar features with significantly enhanced MR are also observed when the GB density is increased. These results bring out the role played by the magnetic and crystallographic microstructure on the magnitude, sign and hysteresis of the magnetoresistance in this technologically important material.
