Superconducting phase diagram of NaxCoO2.yH2O

Abstract in English

We synthesized Nax(H3O)zCoO2yH2O samples with various Na/H3O ratios but with the constant Co valence of s = +3.40, and measured their magnetic properties to draw phase diagrams of the system. The superconductivity is very sensitive to the Na/H3O ratio. With varying x under fixed s of +3.40, magnetically ordered phase appears in the intermediate range of x sandwiched by two separated superconducting phases, suggesting that the superconductivity is induced by moderately strong magnetic interactions. In the vicinity of the magnetic phase, transition from the superconducting state to the magnetically ordered state was induced by applying high magnetic field. This transition is of the second order, at least, above 1.8 K. The upper-critical field is expected to be much higher than the Pauli limit for a phase located far away from the magnetic phase regarding the Na/H3O ratio.
