Multicritical point of Ising spin glasses on triangular and honeycomb lattices

Abstract in English

The behavior of two-dimensional Ising spin glasses at the multicritical point on triangular and honeycomb lattices is investigated, with the help of finite-size scaling and conformal-invariance concepts. We use transfer-matrix methods on long strips to calculate domain-wall energies, uniform susceptibilities, and spin-spin correlation functions. Accurate estimates are provided for the location of the multicritical point on both lattices, which lend strong support to a conjecture recently advanced by Takeda, Sasamoto, and Nishimori. Correlation functions are shown to obey rather strict conformal-invariance requirements, once suitable adaptations are made to account for geometric aspects of the transfer-matrix description of triangular and honeycomb lattices. The universality class of critical behavior upon crossing the ferro-paramagnetic phase boundary is probed, with the following estimates for the associated critical indices: $ u=1.49(2)$, $gamma=2.71(4)$, $eta_1= 0.183(3)$, distinctly different from the percolation values.
