Atomic-like behaviors and orbital-related Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid in peapod quantum dots

Abstract in English

We report encapsulated C60 molecules on electron transport in carbon-nanotube peapod quantum dots. We find atomic-like behaviors with doubly degenerate electronic levels, which exist only around ground states, by single electron spectroscopy measured at low back-gate voltages (Vbgs). Correlation with presence of nearly free electrons (NFEs) unique to the peapods is discussed. In contrast, we find that encapsulated C60 molecules do not affect to single charging effect. Moreover, we find anomalously high values of powers observed in power laws in conductance versus energy relationships, which are strongly associated with the doubly degenerate levels. It is revealed that the powers originate from Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids via the occupied doubly degenerate levels. Encapsulated C60 molecules do not eliminate a ballistic charge transport in single-walled nanotubes.
