Field-induced magnetic ordering in the Haldane system PbNi2V2O8

Abstract in English

The Haldane system PbNi2V2O8 was investigated by the temperature dependent magnetization M(T) measurements at fields higher than H_c, with H_c the critical fields necessary to close the Haldane gap. It is revealed that M(T) for H > H_c exhibits a cusp-like minimum at T_{min}, below which M(T) increases with decreasing T having a convex curve. These features have been observed for both $H parallel c$ and $H perp c$, with c-axis being parallel to the chain. These data indicate the occurrence of field-induced magnetic ordering around T_{min}. Phase boundaries for $H parallel c$ and $H perp c$ do not cross each other, consistent with the theoretical calculation for negative single-ion anisotropy D.
