A new hybrid LDA and Generalized Tight-Binding method for the electronic structure calculations of strongly correlated electron systems

Abstract in English

A novel hybrid scheme is proposed. The {it ab initio} LDA calculation is used to construct the Wannier functions and obtain single electron and Coulomb parameters of the multiband Hubbard-type model. In strong correlation regime the electronic structure within multiband Hubbard model is calculated by the Generalized Tight-Binding (GTB) method, that combines the exact diagonalization of the model Hamiltonian for a small cluster (unit cell) with perturbation treatment of the intercluster hopping and interactions. For undoped La$_2$CuO$_4$ and Nd$_2$CuO$_4$ this scheme results in charge transfer insulators with correct values of gaps and dispersions of bands in agreement to the ARPES data.
