Specific heat and magnetization of a ZrB12 single crystal: characterization of a type II/1 superconductor

Abstract in English

We measured the specific heat, the magnetization, and the magnetoresistance of a single crystal of ZrB12, which is superconducting below Tc ~ 6 K. The specific heat in zero field shows a BCS-type superconducting transition. The normal- to superconducting-state transition changes from first order (with a latent heat) to second order (without latent heat) with increasing magnetic field, indicating that the pure compound is a low-kappa, type-II/1 superconductor in the classification of Auer and Ullmaier [J. Auer and H. Ullmaier, Phys. Rev.B 7, 136 (1973)]. This behavior is confirmed by magnetization measurements. The H-T phase diagram based on specific-heat and magnetization data yields Hc2(0) =550 G for the bulk upper critical field, whereas the critical field defined by vanishing resistance is a surface critical field Hc3(0) ~ 1000 G.
