The zero-temperature critical state of the two-dimensional gauge glass model is investigated. It is found that low-energy vortex configurations afford a simple description in terms of gapless, weakly interacting vortex-antivortex pair excitations. A linear dielectric screening calculation is presented in a renormalization group setting that yields a power-law decay of spin-wave stiffness with distance. These properties are in agreement with low-temperature specific heat and spin-glass susceptibility data obtained in large-scale multi-canonical Monte Carlo simulations.
The gauge glass model offers an interesting example of a randomly frustrated system with a continuous O(2) symmetry. In two dimensions, the existence of a glass phase at low temperatures has long been disputed among numerical studies. To resolve this controversy, we examine the behavior of vortices whose movement generates phase slips that destroy phase rigidity at large distances. Detailed analytical and numerical studies of the corresponding Coulomb gas problem in a random potential establish that the ground state, with a finite density of vortices, is polarizable with a scale-dependent dielectric susceptibility. Screening by vortex/antivortex pairs of arbitrarily large size is present to eliminate the logarithmic divergence of the Coulomb energy of a single vortex. The observed power-law decay of the Coulomb interaction between vortices with distance in the ground state leads to a power-law divergence of the glass correlation length with temperature $T$. It is argued that free vortices possess a bound excitation energy and a nonzero diffusion constant at any $T>0$.
Large-scale simulations have been performed on the current-driven two-dimensional XY gauge glass model with resistively-shunted-junction dynamics. It is observed that the linear resistivity at low temperatures tends to zero, providing strong evidence of glass transition at finite temperature. Dynamic scaling analysis demonstrates that perfect collapses of current-voltage data can be achieved with the glass transition temperature $T_{g}=0.22$, the correlation length critical exponent $ u =1.8$, and the dynamic critical exponent $ z=2.0$. A genuine continuous depinning transition is found at zero temperature. For creeping at low temperatures, critical exponents are evaluated and a non-Arrhenius creep motion is observed in the glass phase.
In conventional spin glasses, the magnetic interaction is not strongly anisotropic and the entire spin system freezes at low temperature. In La2(Cu,Li)O4, for which the in-plane exchange interaction dominates the interplane one, only a fraction of spins with antiferromagnetic correlations extending to neighboring planes become spin-glass. The remaining spins with only in-plane antiferromagnetic correlations remain spin-liquid at low temperature. Such a novel partial spin freezing out of a spin-liquid observed in this cold neutron scattering study is likely due to a delicate balance between disorder and quantum fluctuations in the quasi-two dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg system.
We use 3D numerical simulations to explore the phase diagram of driven flux line lattices in presence of weak random columnar disorder at finite temperature and high driving force. We show that the moving Bose glass phase exists in a large range of temperature, up to its melting into a moving vortex liquid. It is also remarkably stable upon increasing velocity : the dynamical transition to the correlated moving glass expected at a critical velocity is not found at any velocity accessible to our simulations. Furthermore, we show the existence of an effective static tin roof pinning potential in the direction transverse to motion, which originates from both the transverse periodicity of the moving lattice and the localization effect due to correlated disorder. Using a simple model of a single elastic line in such a periodic potential, we obtain a good description of the transverse field penetration at surfaces as a function of thickness in the moving Bose glass phase.
In this work it is studied the Hopfield fermionic spin glass model which allows interpolating from trivial randomness to a highly frustrated regime. Therefore, it is possible to investigate whether or not frustration is an essential ingredient which would allow this magnetic disordered model to present naturally inverse freezing by comparing the two limits, trivial randomness and highly frustrated regime and how different levels of frustration could affect such unconventional phase transition. The problem is expressed in the path integral formalism where the spin operators are represented by bilinear combinations of Grassmann variables. The Grand Canonical Potential is obtained within the static approximation and one-step replica symmetry breaking scheme. As a result, phase diagrams temperature {it versus} the chemical potential are obtained for several levels of frustration. Particularly, when the level of frustration is diminished, the reentrance related to the inverse freezing is gradually suppressed.