Magnetisation dynamics in the normal and condensate phases of UPd2Al3 I: Surveys in reciprocal space using neutron inelastic scattering

Abstract in English

This paper, I, presents new results from neutron inelastic scattering experiments on single crystals of UPd2Al3. The focus is on the experimental position whilst the sequel, II, advances theoretical perspectives. We present a detailed and complete characterisation of the wavevector- and energy-dependent magnetisation dynamics in UPd2Al3 as measured by neutron inelastic scattering primarily in the form of extensive surveys in energy-momentum space under a wide range of experimental conditions, and put our observations in context with data that has been previously published by two independent groups. In this way we emphasize the commonality and robust nature of the data which indicate the intricate nature of the dynamic magnetic susceptibility of this material. Our results yield unique insight into the low temperature ground state which exhibits a microscopic coexistence of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity making UPd2Al3 one of the most accessible heavy-fermion superconductors that can be fully characterised by neutron spectroscopy.
