Itinerant magnetism in Kondo crystal CeB6 as indicated by polarized neutron scattering

Abstract in English

A magnetic Bragg reflection corresponding to the wave vector k13 = (2pi/a)[1/2,1/2,1/2] of the antiferro-quadrupolar ordering is found in CeB6 in zero magnetic field below the Neel temperature TN. Its intensity is two orders of magnitude weaker than those due to the basic magnetic structure [O. Zaharko et al., Phys. Rev. B 68, 214401 (2003)]. The peak has a width of the other Bragg reflections below TN, but widens abruptly at T = TN with simultaneous increase of intensity. Correlation length just above TN is of the order of 70 A. The peak intensity decreases to zero at T = 7 K with no visible anomaly at the antiferro-quadrupolar ordering temperature TQ = 3.3 K. The features of this magnetic ordering are typical for the itinerant magnetism with 5d electron of Ce3+ [Yu.S. Grushko et al., phys. stat. sol. (b) 128, 591 (1985)] being involved.
