Raman spectroscopy study of NaxCoO2 and superconducting NaxCoO2.yH2O

Abstract in English

The Raman spectra of the parent compound NaxCoO2 (x=0.75) and the superconducting oxyhydrates NaxCoO2.yH2O with different superconducting temperatures (Tc) have been measured. Five Raman active phonons around 195 cm-1 (E1g), 482 cm-1, 522 cm-1, 616 cm-1 (3E2g), 663 cm-1 (A1g) appear in all spectra. These spectra change systematically along with the intercalation of H2O and superconducting properties. In particular, the Raman active phonons (A1g and E1g) involving the oxygen motions within the Co-O layers show up monotonous decrease in frequency along with superconducting temperature Tc. The fundamental properties and alternations of other active Raman phonons in the superconducting materials have also been discussed.
