We compute the zero bias conductance of electrons through a single ballistic channel weakly coupled to a side quantum dot with Coulomb interaction. In contrast to the standard setup which is designed to measure the transport through the dot, the channel conductance reveals Coulomb blockade dips rather then peaks due to the Fano-like backscattering. At zero temperature the Kondo effect leads to the formation of broad valleys of small conductance corresponding to an odd number of electrons on the dot. By applying a magnetic field in the dot region we find two dips corresponding to a total suppression in the conductance of spins up and down separated by an energy of the order of the Coulomb interaction. This provides a possibility of a perfect spin filter.
We consider the electronic transport through a Rashba quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetic leads. We show that the interference of localized electron states with resonant electron states leads to the appearance of the Fano-Rashba effect. This effect occurs due to the interference of bound levels of spin-polarized electrons with the continuum of electronic states with an opposite spin polarization. We investigate this Fano-Rashba effect as a function of the applied magnetic field and Rashba spin-orbit coupling.
We study the spin-resolved transport properties of T-shaped double quantum dots coupled to ferromagnetic leads. Using the numerical renormalization group method, we calculate the linear conductance and the spin polarization of the current for various model parameters and at different temperatures. We show that an effective exchange field due to the presence of ferromagnets results in different conditions for Fano destructive interference in each spin channel. This spin dependence of the Fano effect leads to perfect spin polarization, the sign of which can be changed by tuning the dots levels. Large spin polarization occurs due to Coulomb correlations in the dot, which is not directly coupled to the leads, while finite correlations in the directly-coupled dot can further enhance this effect. Moreover, we complement accurate numerical results with a simple qualitative explanation based on analytical expressions for the zero-temperature conductance. The proposed device provides a prospective example of an electrically-controlled, fully spin-polarized current source, which operates without an external magnetic field.
Based on calculations of the electronic structure of coupled multiple quantum dots, we study systemically the transport properties of the system driven by an ac electric field. We find qualitative difference between transport properties of double coupled quantum dots (DQDs) and triple quantum dots. For both symmetrical and asymmetrical configurations of coupled DQDs, the field can induce the photon-assisted Fano resonances in current-AC frequency curve in parallel DQDs, and a symmetric resonance in serial DQDs. For serially coupled triple quantum dots(STQDs), it is found that the $Lambda$-type energy level has remarkable impact on the transport properties. For an asymmetric (between left and right dots) configuration, there is a symmetric peak due to resonant photon induced mixing between left/right dot and middle dot. In the symmetric configuration, a Fano asymmetric line shape appears with the help of ``trapping dark state. Here the interesting coherent trapping phenomena, which usual appear in quantum optics, play an essential role in quantum electronic transport. We provide a clear physics picture for the Fano resonance and convenient ways to tune the Fano effects.
We estimate the triplet-singlet relaxation rate due to spin-orbit coupling assisted by phonon emission in weakly-confined quantum dots. Our results for two and four electrons show that the different triplet-singlet relaxation trends observed in recent experiments under magnetic fields can be understood within a unified theoretical description, as the result of the competition between spin-orbit coupling and phonon emission efficiency. Moreover, we show that both effects are greatly affected by the strength of the confinement and the external magnetic field, which may give access to very long-lived triplet states as well as to selective population of the triplet Zeeman sublevels.
Spatially nonhomogeneously spin polarized nuclei are proposed as a new mechanism to monitor electron states in a nanostructure, or as a means to createn and, if necessary, reshape such nanostructures in the course of the experiment. We found that a polarization of nulear spins may lift the spin polarization of the electron states in a nanostructure and, if sufficiently strong, leads to a polarization of the electron spins. Polarized nuclear spins may form an energy landscape capable of binding electrons with energy up to several meV and the localization radius $ >$ 100AA.