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Magnetooptical measurements of several quasi-two-dimensional (q2D) organic conductors, which have simple Fermi surface structure, have been performed by using a cavity perturbation technique. Despite of the simple Fermi surface structure, magnetooptical resonance results show a dramatic difference for each sample. Cyclotron resonances (CR) were observed for q-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 and (BEDT-TTF)3Br(pBIB), while periodic orbit resonances (POR) were observed for (BEDT-TTF)2Br(DIA) and (BEDT-TTF)3Cl(DFBIB). The selection of the resonance seems to correspond with the skin depth for each sample. The effective mass of POR seems to have a mass enhancement due to the many-body effect, while effective mass of CR is independent of the strength of the electron-electron interaction. The scattering time deduced from each resonances linewidth will be also presented.
Low-dimensional organic conductors could establish themselves as model systems for the investigation of the physics in reduced dimensions. In the metallic state of a one-dimensional solid, Fermi-liquid theory breaks down and spin and charge degrees of freedom become separated. But the metallic phase is not stable in one dimension: as the temperature is reduced, the electronic charge and spin tend to arrange themselves in an ordered fashion due to strong correlations. The competition of the different interactions is responsible for which broken-symmetry ground state is eventually realized in a specific compound and which drives the system towards an insulating state. Here we review the various ordering phenomena and how they can be identified by optic and magnetic measurements. While the final results might look very similar in the case of a charge density wave and a charge-ordered metal, for instance, the physical cause is completely different. When density waves form, a gap opens in the density of states at the Fermi energy due to nesting of the one-dimension Fermi surface sheets. When a one-dimensional metal becomes a charge-ordered Mott insulator, on the other hand, the short-range Coulomb repulsion localizes the charge on the lattice sites and even causes certain charge patterns. We try to point out the similarities and conceptional differences of these phenomena and give an example for each of them. Particular emphasis will be put on collective phenomena which are inherently present as soon as ordering breaks the symmetry of the system.
We review some properties of quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors, such as the Bechgaard salts, with an emphasis on aspects related to the crossovers between a Mott insulating state to a metallic state, and crossovers between different metallic behaviors. We discuss why a theoretical description of these issues is a particularly challenging problem, and describe a recent non-perturbative approach designed to deal with systems of coupled chains. This method, dubbed chain-DMFT, is a generalization of dynamical mean field theory that treats both, one-dimensional and higher dimensional physics, in a unified manner. We present numerical results for a system of coupled Hubbard chains. Chain-DMFT indeed captures the metal-insulator transition and the dimensional crossover from a high temperature Luttinger liquid to a low temperature Fermi liquid phase, and allows to access the properties of these phases. Based on these results perspectives for a theoretical understanding of the physics of the Bechgaard salts are discussed.
On the basis of an analysis of a 3/4-filled two-dimensional (2D) extended Hubbard model under the fluctuation-exchange approximation, we find Coulomb frustrated phase separation (PS) in a region of nonzero temperature, where the quantum critical phenomenon of charge ordering (CO) dominates. In quasi-2D organic conductors on the verge of CO, this frustrated PS provides a mechanism for generating spatial inhomogeneity, which is characterized by an extremely slow relaxation and an intermediate length scale.
We report on dc and microwave experiments of the low-dimensional organic conductors (TMTSF)$_2$PF$_6$ and (TMTSF)$_2$ClO$_4$ along the $a$, $b^{prime}$, and $c^*$ directions. In the normal state of (TMTSF)$_2$PF$_6$ below T=70 K, the dc resistivity follows a power-law with $rho_a$ and $rho_{b^{prime}}$ proportional to $T^2$ while $rho_{c^*}propto T$. Above $T = 100$ K the exponents extracted from the data for the $a$ and $c^*$ axes are consiste1nt with what is to be expected for a system of coupled one-dimensional chains (Luttinger liquid) and a dimensional crossover at a temperature of about 100 K. The $b^prime$ axis shows anomalous exponents that could be attributed to a large crossover between these two regimes. The contactless microwave measurements of single crystals along the $b^{prime}$-axis reveal an anomaly between 25 and 55 K which is not understood yet. The organic superconductor (TMTSF)$_2$ClO$_4$ is more a two-dimensional metal with an anisotropy $rho_a/rho_{b^{prime}}$ of approximately 2 at all temperatures. Such a low anisotropy is unexpected in view of the transfer integrals. Slight indications to one-dimensionality are found in the temperature dependent transport only above 200 K. Even along the least conducting $c^*$ direction no region with semiconducting behavior is revealed up to room temperature.
Superconductivity of quasi-one-dimensional organic conductors with a quarter-filled band is investigated using the two-loop renormalization group approach to the extended Hubbard model for which both the single electron hopping t_{perp} and the repulsive interaction V_{perp} perpendicular to the chains are included. For a four-patches Fermi surface with deviations to perfect nesting, we calculate the response functions for the dominant fluctuations and possible superconducting states. By increasing V_{perp}, it is shown that a d-wave (singlet) to f-wave (triplet) superconducting state crossover occurs, and is followed by a vanishing spin gap. Furthermore, we study the influence of a magnetic field through the Zeeman coupling, from which a triplet superconducting state is found to emerge.