Measuring Lateral Magnetic Structure in Thin Films Using Polarized Neutron Reflectometry

Abstract in English

Polarized neutron reflectometry (PNR) has long been applied to measure the magnetic depth profile of thin films. In recent years, interest has increased in observing lateral magnetic structures in a film. While magnetic arrays patterned by lithography and submicron-sized magnetic domains in thin films often give rise to off-specular reflections, micron-sized ferromagnetic domains on a thin film produce few off-specular reflections and the domain distribution information is contained within the specular reflection. In this paper, we will first present some preliminary results of off-specular reflectivity from arrays of micron-sized permalloy rectangular bars. We will then use specular reflections to study the domain dispersion of an exchange-biased Co/CoO bilayer at different locations of the hysteresis loop.
