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We have performed precision microwave spectroscopy on ultra-cold Rb-87 confined in a magnetic trap, both above and below the Bose-condensation transition. The cold collision shifts for both normal and condensed clouds were measured, which allowed the intra- and inter-state density correlations (characterized by sometimes controversial factors of two) to be determined. Additionally, temporal coherence of the normal cloud was studied, and the importance of mean-field and velocity-changing collisions in preserving coherence is discussed.
We have investigated both theoretically and experimentally dipolar relaxation in a gas of magnetically trapped chromium atoms. We have found that the large magnetic moment of 6 $mu_B$ results in an event rate coefficient for dipolar relaxation processes of up to $3.2cdot10^{-11}$ cm$^{3}$s$^{-1}$ at a magnetic field of 44 G. We present a theoretical model based on pure dipolar coupling, which predicts dipolar relaxation rates in agreement with our experimental observations. This very general approach can be applied to a large variety of dipolar gases.
We have measured magnetic trap lifetimes of ultra-cold Rb87 atoms at distances of 5-1000 microns from surfaces of conducting metals with varying resistivity. Good agreement is found with a theoretical model for losses arising from near-field magnetic thermal noise, confirming the complications associated with holding trapped atoms close to conducting surfaces. A dielectric surface (silicon) was found in contrast to be so benign that we are able to evaporatively cool atoms to a Bose-Einstein condensate by using the surface to selectively adsorb higher energy atoms.
We present the first spatially resolved images of spin waves in a gas. The complete longitudinal and transverse spin field as a function of time and space is reconstructed. Frequencies and damping rates for a standing-wave mode are extracted and compared with theory.
We investigate the Zeldovich effect in the context of ultra-cold, harmonically trapped quantum gases. We suggest that currently available experimental techniques in cold-atoms research offer an exciting opportunity for a direct observation of the Zeldovich effect without the difficulties imposed by conventional condensed matter and nuclear physics studies. We also demonstrate an interesting scaling symmetry in the level rearragements which has heretofore gone unnoticed.
We demonstrate a double-trap system well suited to study cold collisions between trapped ions and trapped atoms. Using Yb$^+$ ions confined in a Paul trap and Yb atoms in a magneto-optical trap, we investigate charge-exchange collisions of several isotopes for collision energies down to 400 neV (5 mK). The measured rate coefficient of $6 times 10^{-10}$ cm$^{3}$s$^{-1}$, constant over four orders of magnitude in collision energy, is in good agreement with that derived from a semiclassical Langevin model for an atomic polarizability of 143 a.u.