In-plane Magnetoconductivity of Si-MOSFETs: A Quantitative Comparison between Theory and Experiment

Abstract in English

For densities above $n=1.6 times 10^{11}$ cm$^{-2}$ in the strongly interacting system of electrons in two-dimensional silicon inversion layers, excellent agreement between experiment and the theory of Zala, Narozhny and Aleiner is obtained for the response of the conductivity to a magnetic field applied parallel to the plane of the electrons. However, the Fermi liquid parameter $F_0^sigma(n)$ and the valley splitting $Delta_V(n)$ obtained from fits to the magnetoconductivity, although providing qualitatively correct behavior (including sign), do not yield quantitative agreement with the temperature dependence of the conductivity in zero magnetic field. Our results suggest the existence of additional scattering processes not included in the theory in its present form.
