Coexistence of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in heavy-fermions systems

Abstract in English

We report the novel pressure(P)-temperature(T) phase diagrams of antiferromagnetism (AF) and superconductivity (SC) in CeRhIn$_5$, CeIn$_3$ and CeCu$_2$Si$_2$ revealed by the NQR measurement. In the itinerant helical magnet CeRhIn$_5$, we found that the Neel temperature $T_N$ is reduced at $P geq$ 1.23 GPa with an emergent pseudogap behavior. The coexistence of AF and SC is found in a narrow P range of 1.63 - 1.75 GPa, followed by the onset of SC with line-node gap over a wide P window 2.1 - 5 GPa. In CeIn$_3$, the localized magnetic character is robust against the application of pressure up to $P sim$ 1.9 GPa, beyond which the system evolves into an itinerant regime in which the resistive superconducting phase emerges. We discuss the relationship between the phase diagram and the magnetic fluctuations. In CeCu$_2$Si$_2$, the SC and AF coexist on a microscopic level once its lattice parameter is expanded. We remark that the underlying marginal antiferromagnetic state is due to collective magnetic excitations in the superconducting state in CeCu$_2$Si$_2$. An interplay between AF and SC is discussed on the SO(5) scenario that unifies AF and SC. We suggest that the SC and AF in CeCu$_2$Si$_2$ have a common mechanism.
