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Critical local-moment fluctuations, anomalous exponents, and omega/T scaling in the Kondo problem with a pseudogap

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 Added by Kevin Ingersent
 Publication date 2001
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Experiments in heavy-fermion metals and related theoretical work suggest that critical local-moment fluctuations can play an important role near a zero-temperature phase transition. We study such fluctuations at the quantum critical point of a Kondo impurity model in which the density of band states vanishes as |E|^r at the Fermi energy (E = 0). The local spin response is described by a set of critical exponents that vary continuously with r. For 0 < r < 1, the dynamical susceptibility exhibits omega/T scaling with a fractional exponent, implying that the critical point is interacting.

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221 - Kevin Ingersent 1998
The variant of the single-impurity Kondo problem in which the conduction-band density of states has a power-law pseudogap at the Fermi energy is known to exhibit a zero-temperature phase transition at a finite exchange coupling. The critical properties of this transition are studied both for N=2 and for N>>1, where N is the spin degeneracy. The critical exponents are consistent with a simple scaling form for the free energy. For any finite N, the temperature exponent of the local spin susceptibility at the critical Kondo coupling varies continuously with the power of the pseudogap. This raises the possibility that a single-particle pseudogap is responsible for the anomalous behavior of certain heavy-fermion metals close to a magnetic quantum phase transition.
The pseudogap Anderson impurity model provides a paradigm for understanding local quantum phase transitions, in this case between generalised fermi liquid and degenerate local moment phases. Here we develop a non-perturbative local moment approach to the generic asymmetric model, encompassing all energy scales and interaction strengths and leading thereby to a rich description of the problem. We investigate in particular underlying phase boundaries, the critical behaviour of relevant low-energy scales, and single-particle dynamics embodied in the local spectrum. Particular attention is given to the resultant universal scaling behaviour of dynamics close to the transition in both the GFL and LM phases, the scale-free physics characteristic of the quantum critical point itself, and the relation between the two.
Recent studies of the global phase diagram of quantum-critical heavy-fermion metals prompt consideration of the interplay between the Kondo interactions and quantum fluctuations of the local moments alone. Toward this goal, we study a Bose-Fermi Kondo model (BFKM) with Ising anisotropy in the presence of a local transverse field that generates quantum fluctuations in the local-moment sector. We apply the numerical renormalization-group method to the case of a sub-Ohmic bosonic bath exponent and a constant conduction-electron density of states. Starting in the Kondo phase at zero transverse-field, there is a smooth crossover with increasing transverse field from a fully screened to a fully polarized impurity spin. By contrast, if the system starts in its localized phase, then increasing the transverse field causes a continuous, Kondo-destruction transition into the partially polarized Kondo phase. The critical exponents at this quantum phase transition exhibit hyperscaling and take essentially the same values as those of the BFKM in zero transverse field. The many-body spectrum at criticality varies continuously with the bare transverse field, indicating a line of critical points. We discuss implications of these results for the global phase diagram of the Kondo lattice model.
73 - M.T. Glossop , D.E. Logan 2003
The pseudogap Anderson impurity model provides a classic example of an essentially local quantum phase transition. Here we study its single-particle dynamics in the vicinity of the symmetric quantum critical point (QCP) separating generalized Fermi liquid and local moment phases, via the local moment approach. Both phases are shown to be characterized by a low-energy scale that vanishes at the QCP; and the universal scaling spectra, on all energy scales, are obtained analytically. The spectrum precisely at the QCP is also obtained; its form showing clearly the non-Fermi liquid, interacting nature of the fixed point.
We report a quantum Monte Carlo study of the phase transition between antiferromagnetic and valence-bond solid ground states in the square-lattice $S=1/2$ $J$-$Q$ model. The critical correlation function of the $Q$ terms gives a scaling dimension corresponding to the value $ u = 0.455 pm 0.002$ of the correlation-length exponent. This value agrees with previous (less precise) results from conventional methods, e.g., finite-size scaling of the near-critical order parameters. We also study the $Q$-derivatives of the Binder cumulants of the order parameters for $L^2$ lattices with $L$ up to $448$. The slope grows as $L^{1/ u}$ with a value of $ u$ consistent with the scaling dimension of the $Q$ term. There are no indications of runaway flow to a first-order phase transition. The mutually consistent estimates of $ u$ provide compelling support for a continuous deconfined quantum-critical point.
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