Orbital-Degenerate Paramagnetic Metal Sr2MoO4: An Electronic Analogue to Sr2RuO4

Abstract in English

We present the first systematic study on polycrystalline Sr2MoO4 as an electronic analogue to the spin-triplet superconductor Sr2RuO4. The Pauli paramagnetic susceptibility and metallic behaviors of specific heat and electrical resistivity have been observed. The density of states at the Fermi level D(EF) deduced from the results is about three times smaller than that of Sr2RuO4. Any indication of superconductivity intrinsic to Sr2MoO4 has not been observed down to 25 mK, which may correspond to the smaller D(EF). We discuss the origin of the difference in electronic states between Sr2MoO4 and Sr2RuO4.
