We argue that in the quarter-filled ladder compound NaV_2O_5 the quasi-one-dimensional spin system is strongly coupled to a low-energy antiferroelectric mode of the excitonic type. This mode results from the interplay between the electron hopping along the rungs of the vanadium two-leg ladders and the Coulomb repulsion between electrons. The charge ordering observed in sodium vanadate at T_c = 34K corresponds to the softening of the antiferroelectric mode. We consider the spin-isospin model, which describes the spin and low-energy charge degrees of freedom in sodium vanadate. Within this model we explain the observed anomalous temperature-dependence of the dielectric susceptibility at T_c and the midinfrared absorption continuum. We identify the broad structure in the low-energy optical absorption spectrum of NaV_2O_5 with the continuum formed by two spinons and one low-energy charge excitation.
We revisit the critical behavior of the sub-ohmic spin-boson model. Analysis of both the leading and subleading terms in the temperature dependence of the inverse static local spin susceptibility at the quantum critical point, calculated using a numerical renormalization-group method, provides evidence that the quantum critical point is interacting in cases where the quantum-to-classical mapping would predict mean-field behavior. The subleading term is shown to be consistent with an w/T scaling of the local dynamical susceptibility, as is the leading term. The frequency and temperature dependences of the local spin susceptibility in the strong-coupling (delocalized) regime are also presented. We attribute the violation of the quantum-to-classical mapping to a Berry-phase term in a continuum path-integral representation of the model. This effect connects the behavior discussed here with its counterparts in models with continuous spin symmetry.
Some of the properties of the low-dimensional electronically correlated materials cgo and vo are discussed. The emphasis lies on recent results obtained using Raman scattering and optical absorption spectroscopy as a function of temperature, magnetic field and hydrostatic pressure.
A new quantum spin model with frustration, the `Union Jack model on the square lattice, is analyzed using spin-wave theory. For small values of the frustrating coupling $alpha$, the system is N{ e}el ordered as usual, while for large $alpha$ the frustration is found to induce a canted phase. The possibility of an intermediate spin-liquid phase is discussed.
We present a study of a simple model antiferromagnet consisting of a sum of nearest neighbor SO($N$) singlet projectors on the Kagome lattice. Our model shares some features with the popular $S=1/2$ Kagome antiferromagnet but is specifically designed to be free of the sign-problem of quantum Monte Carlo. In our numerical analysis, we find as a function of $N$ a quadrupolar magnetic state and a wide range of a quantum spin liquid. A solvable large-$N$ generalization suggests that the quantum spin liquid in our original model is a gapped ${mathbb Z}_2$ topological phase. Supporting this assertion, a numerical study of the entanglement entropy in the sign free model shows a quantized topological contribution.
Using the density-matrix renormalization group method for the ground state and excitations of the Shastry-Sutherland spin model, we demonstrate the existence of a narrow quantum spin liquid phase between the previously known plaquette-singlet and antiferromagnetic states. Our conclusions are based on finite-size scaling of excited level crossings and order parameters. Together with previous results on candidate models for deconfined quantum criticality and spin liquid phases, our results point to a unified quantum phase diagram where the deconfined quantum-critical point separates a line of first-order transitions and a gapless spin liquid phase. The frustrated Shastry-Sutherland model is close to the critical point but slightly inside the spin liquid phase, while previously studied unfrustrated models cross the first-order line. We also argue that recent heat capacity measurements in SrCu$_2$(BO$_3$)$_2$ show evidence of the proposed spin liquid at pressures between 2.6 and 3 GPa.