Specific heat of Ce_{0.8}La_{0.2}Al_{3} in magnetic fields: a test of the anisotropic Kondo picture

Abstract in English

The specific heat C of Ce_{0.8}La_{0.2}Al_{3} has been measured as a function of temperature T in magnetic fields up to 14 T. A large peak in C at 2.3 K has recently been ascribed to an anisotropic Kondo effect in this compound. A 14-T field depresses the temperature of the peak by only 0.2 K, but strongly reduces its height. The corresponding peak in C/T shifts from 2.1 K at zero field to 1.7 K at 14 T. The extrapolated specific heat coefficient C/T(T->0) increases with field over the range studied. We show that these trends are inconsistent with the anisotropic Kondo model.
