Spin-triplet superconducting pairing due to local (Hunds rule, Dirac) exchange

Abstract in English

We discuss general implications of the local spin-triplet pairing among fermions induced by local ferromagnetic exchange, example of which is the Hunds rule coupling. The quasiparticle energy and their wave function are determined for the three principal phases with the gap, which is momentum independent. We utilize the Bogolyubov-Nambu-De Gennes approach, which in the case of triplet pairing in the two-band case leads to the four-components wave function. Both gapless modes and those with an isotropic gap appear in the quasiparticle spectrum. A striking analogy with the Dirac equation is briefly explored. This type of pairing is relevant to relativistic fermions as well, since it reflects the fundamental discrete symmetry-particle interchange. A comparison with the local interband spin-singlet pairing is also made.
