Gaussian Tunneling Model of c-Axis Twist Josephson Junctions

Abstract in English

We calculate the critical current density $J^J_c$ for c-axis Josephson tunneling between identical high temperature superconductors twisted an angle $phi_0$ about the c-axis. We model the tunneling matrix element squared as a Gaussian in the change of wavevector q parallel to the junction, $<|t({bf q})|^2>proptoexp(-{bf q}^2a^2/2pi^2sigma^2)$. The $J^J_c(phi_0)/J^J_c(0)$ obtained for the s- and extended-s-wave order parameters (OPs) are consistent with the Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_{8+delta}$ data of Li {it et al.}, but only for strongly incoherent tunneling, $sigma^2ge0.25$. A $d_{x^2-y^2}$-wave OP is always inconsistent with the data. In addition, we show that the apparent conventional sum rule violation observed by Basov et al. might be understandable in terms of incoherent c-axis tunneling, provided that the OP is not $d_{x^2-y^2}$-wave.
