Partially ionized hydrogen plasma in strong magnetic fields

Abstract in English

We study the thermodynamic properties of a partially ionized hydrogen plasma in strong magnetic fields, B ~ 10^{12}-10^{13} G, typical of neutron stars. The properties of the plasma depend significantly on the quantum-mechanical sizes and binding energies of the atoms, which are strongly modified by thermal motion across the field. We use new fitting formulas for the atomic binding energies and sizes, based on accurate numerical calculations and valid for any state of motion of the atom. In particular, we take into account decentered atomic states, neglected in previous studies of thermodynamics of magnetized plasmas. We also employ analytic fits for the thermodynamic functions of nonideal fully ionized electron-ion Coulomb plasmas. This enables us to construct an analytic model of the free energy. An ionization equilibrium equation is derived, taking into account the strong magnetic field effects and the nonideality effects. This equation is solved by an iteration technique. Ionization degrees, occupancies, and the equation of state are calculated.
