Does magnetic pressure affect the ICM dynamics?

Abstract in English

A possible discrepancy found in the determination of mass from gravitational lensing data, and from X-rays observations, has been largely discussed in the latest years (for instance, Miralda-Escude & Babul (1995)). Another important discrepancy related to these data is that the dark matter is more centrally condensed than the X-ray-emitting gas, and also with respect to the galaxy distribution (Eyles et al. 1991). Could these discrepancies be consequence of the standard description of the ICM, in which it is assumed hydrostatic equilibrium maintained by thermal pressure? We follow the evolution of the ICM, considering a term of magnetic pressure, aiming at answering the question whether or not these discrepancies can be explained via non-thermal terms of pressure. Our results suggest that the magnetic pressure could only affect the dynamics of the ICM on scales as small as < 1kpc. Our models are constrained by the observations of large and small scale fields and we are successful at reproducing available data, for both Faraday rotation limits and inverse Compton limits for the magnetic fields. In our calculations the radius (from the cluster center) in which magnetic pressure reaches equipartition is smaller than radii derived in previous works, as a consequence of the more realistic treatment of the magnetic field geometry and the consideration of a sink term in the cooling flow.
