Molecular Outflows from Young Stellar Objects

Abstract in English

We review some aspects of the bipolar molecular outflow phenomenon. In particular, we compare the morphological properties, energetics and velocity structures of outflows from high and low-mass protostars and investigate to what extent a common source model can explain outflows from sources of very different luminosities. Many flow properties, in particular the CO spatial and velocity structure, are broadly similar across the entire luminosity range, although the evidence for jet-entrainment is still less clear cut in massive flows than in low-mass systems. We use the correlation of flow momentum deposition rate with source luminosity to estimate the ratio f of mass ejection to mass accretion rate. From this analysis, it appears that a common driving mechanism could operate across the entire luminosity range. However, we stress that for the high-mass YSOs, the detailed physics of this mechanism and how the ejected wind/jet entrains ambient material remain to be addressed. We also briefly consider the alternative possibility that high-mass outflows can be explained by the recently proposed circulation models, and discuss several shortcomings of those models. Finally, we survey the current evidence on the nature of the shocks driven by YSOs during their pre-main-sequence evolution.
